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Published On 9/9/2024
In Loving Memory of Donna Thompson

NYSAMPO (New York State Association of Municipal Purchasing Officials) Region 3 Representative & Scholarship Chair

July 19, 2024

Donna Thompson served as the Purchasing Clerk for Essex County for 24 years, dedicating her life to the municipal purchasing community with passion, integrity, and a commitment to excellence. As the Region 3 Representative and Scholarship Chair for NYSAMPO, Donna worked tirelessly to foster the growth of future professionals in the field, ensuring that her legacy would continue to inspire others.

In recognition of her unwavering dedication, NYSAMPO has established the Donna Thompson Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship will continue Donna’s work by supporting members who aspire to make a difference in municipal purchasing, just as she did.

Donna's impact will forever be felt through the countless lives she touched, the members she mentored, and the lasting contributions she made to our profession. Her memory
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Published On 4/5/2024
Congratulations to one of our own NYSAMPO members, Sabrina Samuels.
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