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Membership Fee


$75 per Active Member



  • Active Member-MUST WORK for Municipality, School or Government Agency.

  • All memberships expire December 31st, regardless of join date. New members joining towards the end of the year should wait until after January 1st.

  • Memberships are not active/current until payment is received

Dues Period

January - December



The Benefits Of Membership

The New York State Association of Municipal Purchasing Officials (SAMPO) in conjunction with the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing offers a complete program of seminars for the public procurement professional. Our outstanding educational programs are one of the best reasons to join our organization. As a SAMPO member, your agency enjoys special member-only discounts offered to seminar registrants, and the savings can quickly repay membership costs.

These outstanding educational opportunities are offered at locations throughout New York State. It is a great way to improve purchasing techniques and skills, purchasing power, and increase your overall knowledge or purchasing.

Instructors are skilled practitioners who provide assistance, guidance and professional experiences to seminar attendees.

Networking Opportunities

You will always find solutions and information though other state and local procurement professionals, whether at SAMPO's Annual Spring Conference or at one of our regional meetings and seminars.

Regional Meeting And Seminars

SAMPO is organized into regional districts throughout New York State. Regional meetings are held annually in each region and are structured around one or two educational topics requested by the membership of that region; they are a great way to expand your procurement knowledge and meet other government procurement professionals in your area.

Annual Spring Conference

Each year SAMPO sponsors a 3-day educational conference and vendor exhibition for New York government purchasing officials. Educational offerings include NIGP seminars, SAMPO-designated seminars, certification review classes and certification exams. Attendance at the annual Spring Conference is your best way to keep abreast of pending legislation, laws effecting government procurement, the latest in technology, and the tools needed to achieve excellence in public procurement.

Member Services

Our web site offers individual member profile areas where you can track your participation in the organization, store copies of your training and membership certificates, track re-certification points, register online for events, and more.


Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB) and Certified Public Purchasing Officer (CPPO)

These certifications are globally recognized, and tell the world that you are an informed and highly skilled professional. These certifications sharpen your skills and open doors for career advancement.

Why Certify?
Obtaining a Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB) or Certified Public Purchasing Official (CPPO) designation demonstrates a standard of competency in the public purchasing profession. A CPPB and CPPO designation indicate to the public that, having mastered a body of knowledge, one can make sound decisions that reflect maximum value for the taxpayers dollar.

The Universal Public Purchasing Certification Council (UPPCC) the issuer of the CPPB and CPPO is accredited by the International Federation of Purchasing and Materials Management. Many state and local governments recognize the CPPB and CPPO as standards for employment and advancement of public procurement personnel.

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